
Stretching before and after a run is key. Here are a few basic tips to help you have a successful run!

For stretching before a run, you want to do dynamic stretches. Start with high knees, skips, butt kicks, then move on to toe touches and cross over toe touches. You can also do a bit of stretching as you walk. Long strides to elongate hips and don’t forget to stretch your shoulder and arms as well.
After your workout is complete, stretching becomes vitally important. Kick your leg up on a park bench and stretch it out. Push against a wall and bend your knees. Figure four your legs to get a good hip stretch. Don’t skimp on stretching afterwards, give your tight muscles the opportunity to loosen up. Plus, it feels good!
When you complete a long run (10 miles or more) do an ice bath, your muscles will thank you for it.
Lastly, a foam roller can be your new best friend!
Happy Running.

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